London Mayor Sadiq Khan revealed the winner of an award for “diversity in advertising” which featured, you guessed it, zero white people. Paul Joseph Watson – Summit.News Feb 10, 2020 “London’s greatest strength is our diversity, so we challenged advertisers to produce ads that better represented our BAME communities,” tweeted […]

“100% Pure”? What a joke! Ben Vidgen paints a picture of a toxic environmental nightmare brewing in New Zealand’s South. MH WHATS NOT BEING REPORTED AND WHY 10 bullet points to sum up my twenty minute video. 1. My full report to date for those wanting more 2. Not just […]

A Chinese website called Tencent displayed a web page titled “Epidemic Situation Tracker,” briefly showing data on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China that was much higher than official estimates, before suddenly switching to lower numbers multiple times, Taiwan News reported. February 7, 2020 By Aaron Kesel Many feel that […]

A new twist in ongoing Coronavirus saga: January 30, 2020 By Whitney Webb via The Last American Vagabond DARPA recently spent millions on research involving bats and coronaviruses, as well as gene editing “bioweapons” prior to the recent coronavirus outbreak. Now, “strategic allies” of the agency have been chosen to […]

How long before this “voluntary” classification system becomes as compulsory as the nutritional guides on your food items? SOTT presents a great range of articles, clearly categorized, and of course open to inquiry and debate, as their comments section indicates. Much like Uncensored in fact. But unlike many mainstream news […]

“Must read” item! Ben specifically requested that I share this article from his archives and it is indeed something that we should all be aware of. While the “bookburning” is nothing new, (refer the documentary Skeletons in the Closet for instance) it is quietly gaining momentum as history and heritage […]
