Nine protesters have been arrested during fraught scenes outside a Wellington defence forum. As bus loads of delegates attempted to enter Westpac Stadium for the forum on Tuesday, a few hundred protesters blockaded the stadium entrances. Among those detained and dragged away by police was a disabled man with […]

“For properties in the flat land residential red zone areas, being zoned red means that the land has been so badly damaged by the earthquakes it is unlikely that it can be rebuilt on for a prolonged period.” Red Zone information | Cera [production] Got that guys? Here’s […]

UN Chief To Reshape Global Finance For Sustainable Development <img width=”777″ height=”437″ src=”×437.jpg” class=”attachment-content-single size-content-single wp-post-image” alt=”” srcset=”×437.jpg 777w,×101.jpg 180w,×146.jpg 260w,×210.jpg 373w,×67.jpg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 777px) 100vw, 777px” />Secretary-General Ant—nio Guterres speaks at the Financing the 2030 Agenda, ÒThe Role of the United NationsÓ at the UN […]

Following Uncensored’s suspicions about the cause of the damage to the Marsden Point pipeline damage, the MSM is finally following the money! The case is growing that it was a digger driver who was trying to pull something out of a swamp that ruptured a pipeline and caused Auckland […]
