Who REALLY runs America, and why do some things never change regardless of who wins the election? A deep-dive into Big Pharma, Blackrock, and the Military-Industrial complex. A “must watch” presentation from Moon. Moon Don’t forget to visit YouTube and give the creator a thumbs-up and comment, it pays their […]

Sunday Triple Treat: education, entertainment and news updates selected from our YT surfing. Enjoy! Martin Climate the Movie Mar 23, 2024 The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson. NYC […]

Kate’s photoshopped image is all over the MSM and I wouldn’t normally bother, but there’s more than meets the eye to this story and plenty of speculation brewing. Did Kate Get Diana’d? The Podcast of the Lotus Eat Ning Li is a name that should be familiar to antigravity researchers […]

What is the Mouse Utopia experiment and what can it tell us about the current state of human civilization? Watch the following two videos. Food for thought. MH The Mouse Utopia Experiments | Down the Rabbit Hole Fredrik Knudsen Fredrik Knudsen1.26M subscribers How Degeneracy will kill Civilization Whatifalthist Whatifalthist574K subscribers […]

Here’s the video everyone has been waiting for…except the MSM who are terrified at the idea of anyone conducting a meaningful interview with the Russian President Putin lest it destroy their carefully constructed cartoon supervillain strawman! Enjoy. Watch Tucker’s immediate reaction to the interview here: https://bit.ly/3SxeZBY Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin […]
