Just issued by Dutchsinse via his YouTube channel: dutchsinse An x-class solar flare (earth directed) occurred yesterday. In past events it usually takes 2-3 days to show up here … and hit the ionosphere, northern lights, radio interference etc when the charged particles arrive… then…. All that electricity is captured […]
Meltdown News
‘Woke’ Teacher is living proof that sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover… ‘Anarchist’ Middle School English Teacher Admits He Wants to ‘Burn Down the Entire System’ After Previously Being Exposed for ‘Woke’ Indoctrination of Students … ‘F**k’ the Parents … ‘I’m Your Parent Now’ Project Veritas Project […]
More and more disturbing details are coming to light in connection with the bombing of the Nord stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea. Published: October 1, 2022, 8:47 am Free West Media The Arabic news channel Al Mayadeen reported that weeks before the attack, US helicopters were circling over the sea area […]
Is Pope Francis the harbinger of the NWO’s One World Religion? This has always been a goal of the UN and an intrinsic part of the infamous Project Blue Beam plan. To merge all religions and create a government-controlled false religion that makes the masses obedient both politically and ideologically. […]
Nord Stream: Some sources are blaming the US directly, others allude to “Ukraine linked special forces”, which could amount to the same thing. Any way you look at it, sabotage is surely what this is? MH So is this a case of “Mission accomplished”? There’s more: BOTH Nord Stream Gas […]
I suggest you have a bucket handy while listening to Ardern deliver her vile monologue. Anyone involved in the Freedom/ anti mandate protest movement should be feeling a burning anger at the gall of this woman. The rest of the speech might well have been composed by Klaus Schwab. And […]
Is this explosive alleged RAND document on the “suiciding” of Germany real or a hoax? Read the article, view the PDF in the link and form your own conclusions. MH by David Chu for the Saker blog Well that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why? The how and the who […]
Flights abroad sell out following Putin’s partial mobilization. Air Live – Sept 21, 2022 Russian airlines have stopped selling tickets to Russian men aged 18 to 65 unless they can provide evidence of approval to travel from the Ministry of Defense. All flights from Russia to available foreign destinations were […]
New British PM Liz Truss tries desperately to deflect a direct question about austerity, and gets owned. A golden moment. When you get completely owned… Carl Vernon179K subscribers Bestselling books and merch: https://www.carlvernon.com Live events: https://www.carlvernon.com/clown-plan… Paypal tip: https://paypal.me/officialcarlvernon Don’t forget to subscribe. Hit the bell to stay updated on […]
Behind the overwhelming news barrage relating to the Queen’s passing, something big is brewing. The Vatican is battening down the hatches. here’s the official line from The Catholic Herald: “Pope Francis has moved decisively to clean up corruption in Vatican finances and to avoid a repeat of the high-profile botched […]