President Barack Obama has sent out a tweet in support of his former vice president amid reports of tension between the pair during an “awkward” White House event held on Tuesday. Sky News Australia Every now and then they bring the puppeteer out from behind the curtain. Just reminds us […]
Meltdown News
Ukraine having no functioning airstrips: a helicopter flew in and dropped an incendiary on the Russian refinery at Belgorod. No one was injured. The fire was extinguished. Minimal damage. Hardly an issue of any military of even strategic significance. By G Squared The acting Ukraine Administration advised it is not aware […]
If this were anyone else, there’d probably be an arrest warrant imminent. MH Forbes Breaking News1.26M subscribers On the Senate floor, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) displayed alleged business records of Hunter Biden.
“in a situation where the financial system of Western countries is used as a weapon, when companies from these states refuse to fulfill contracts with Russian banks, enterprises, individuals, when assets in dollars and euros are frozen, it makes no sense to use the currencies of these countries.” Vladimir Putin […]
For many years, the term ‘New World Order’ was used by US and some other Western officials to refer to the post-USSR world of unbridled Western dominance, in which the ‘End of History’ would see the whole Earth subsumed within Western civilization. Sott.netThu, 17 Mar 2022 © In the […]
US President Joe Biden is facing international backlash for an unscripted comment about Russian President Vladimir Putin, which has European leaders fearing an escalation into direct conflict with Russia. Donald Trump did not miss the opportunity to “pounce” upon US President Joe Biden’s latest gaffe, says United States Study Centre […]
A deluge of information and insight from Joyce Bowen. Please be sure to visit Joyce Bowen’s blog, leave a comment and a “like”, let her know her amazing work is appreciated: Introduction by Joyce Bowen I’m just like everyone else. There are those of us who hoped Putin would […]
This is one of those increasingly common OMG moments brought to you courtesy of the folks who are bringing down our economy, our sanity and our health. We are indeed being sold down the river. This must be stopped. Now. Or else we are well and truly screwed. No fuel. […]
Jon Rappoport – No More Fake News March 25, 2022 (To join our email list, click here.) Continuing to present the extraordinary research of the late Antony Sutton— Today’s Sutton excerpt comes from his 1986 book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy. As usual, the detail is shocking. So are the names […]
Excellent interview by Mike Whitney of CIA vet Larry C. Johnson Mike Whitney – The Unz Review March 21, 2022 Question 1– Can you explain to me why you think Russia is winning the war in Ukraine? Larry C. Johnson– Within the first 24 hours of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, […]