Real estate mogul Donald Trump said Monday that he would be willing to pay a higher tax rate but most oil companies would not because they are not patriotic. “Warren Buffet made another splash with his op-ed in The New York Times, saying it’s just not right that he, […] Were the nuclear reactors designed to be explosive? Today’s episode of Democracy Now (Mar 17, 2011) contains some, uh, explosive claims from Karl Grossman and Paul Gunter. What they say is that nuclear fuel rods are themselves designed with explosive materials. Not the “fuel” (uranium) inside the fuel rods, […]

And of course, we have our “own” idiots pushing atomic power stations in these islands that sit atop the ring of fire and which are riven with fault lines.FYI/interest.  Isabel CounterPunch.  Weekend edition 11-13 March, 2011 First the Quake, Then the LiesDon’t Worry, It’s Just a Little Radiation By […]
