This is completely out of control. [youtube]9eOmKyS7Wik[/youtube] Raw Story When thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters marched north to Times Square on Saturday, the New York Police Department was quick to respond with barricades, horses, and arrests. Ryan Devereaux, a reporter with Democracy Now! who accompanied the march, described the police deployment […]
Again, former National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, addresses the decline of American power, real power. Though America’s military advantage is at an unprecedented level, real American influence around the world has almost disappeared. Brzezinski describes our fall from power as “abdication.” Read the rest with video here
The problem, it seems, is a loss of balance. In the pursuit of profit, everything in the world – the earth itself, other species, knowledge and indeed, other people – has been turned into a “resource” to be exploited, often without care or conscience. Read the rest here [ … […]
1- CLOSE YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS Do not continue to play their game, switch to a credit union or cash only. Go. Do it now. 2- TELL OR DISCUSS THIS MOVEMENT WITH 5 DIFFERENT PEOPLE EVERYDAY! 3- PRINT FACTUAL BASED FLIERS OR STICKERS Mention the factual information – place, time, general […]
This is a phenomenal clip. Protesters in Europe know how to party and wreak havoc. The kids in New York should pay attention and learn a thing or two from their amici Italiani. Take the protests directly to the guilty banks. [youtube]21Y5M8MfBVQ[/youtube] Source : Daily Bail