Author Unknown 12-17-10 The United States is rapidly becoming the very first “post-industrial” nation on the globe. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers have left them, but the pace at which America is accomplishing this is absolutely amazing. It was […]
This animated clip was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert & recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award. [ This video clip is an astoundingly visual presentation of ideas that goes to the very heart of what might be […]
Transcript: [youtube]o7zMQ1amte4[/youtube]
A new survey of American voters shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy […]
Paul J. Balles views two shameful traits shared by the US and Israel and represented in the views of Joseph A. Klein: abhorring criticism and diverting attention from their own faults when criticized by levelling the same criticism at others. “Arrogance diminishes wisdom” – Arabic proverb Last month, Joseph A. […]
Thousands of Greeks took to the streets of the capital on Wednesday for a protest against a fresh wave of austerity measures which was marred by violence as a general strike brought international travel and public services to a standstill. [youtube]ODdWhVjWweg[/youtube] The walkout — Greece’s seventh general strike this year — […]
[youtube]c-Z4yy1UBxM[/youtube] [youtube]uy_WEUiSPTk[/youtube] [youtube]whM9l88qUP4[/youtube] [youtube]DFPvxgTtRsI[/youtube]
A reporter is doing an interview and is obviously recording. Do these guys even think before they begin speaking. Video & Article here
An excellent explanation of the fraudulent nature of debt-based interest-bearing fiat currencies … currencies given value only because you are told you have to use them and because you have no choice but to work to repay the “value” of the currency your governments have borrowed and the – interest […]