The United States of America, in global strategic terms, is tumbling down a series of misadventures, declining in a “step of sighs” through frustrating economic and military endeavours as it discovers that its superpower structures and massive capital wealth are insufficient to cope with a transformed world. This transformed world […]


Goldman Sachs, the private banks that runs (and has ruined) the US economy, has finally been formally charged with securities fraud. Their crime: Creating garbage securities, packaging them like gold, and then lying about their value. In the normal world, this would be called a “criminal enterprise.” On Wall Street […] America: Freedom to Fascism Filmmaker Aaron Russo has exposed first-hand knowledge of the elite global agenda during a video interview and live on Alex Jones’ nationally-syndicated radio show. Nick Rockefeller told Russo about the plan to microchip the population, warned him about ‘an event that would allow us to […]

The world’s second-largest economy appears broke. “The debt situation is irrecoverable,” says Carl Weinberg of High Frequency Economics, referring to Japan. “I don’t see any orderly way out of this. They will not be able to fund their deficit. There will be a fiscal shutdown, a pension haircut and bank […]
