A new book says that there are over a dozen bankers responsible for poor state of the economy and the mess the United States is in. Joe Weisenthal says that when big banks fail, they must be saved to save the economy however big banks need to be made smaller […]
Thousands of homeless people are being forced off the streets of South Africa to hide the scale of poverty there from World Cup fans. [ … those precious precious dollar bringing European based World Cup fans … ] More than 800 tramps, beggars and street children have already been removed […]
The health care “reform” bill isn’t anything that deserves the name reform. The very word “reform” at least tacitly implies amelioration of social ills. For those who haven’t seen it, the fact sheet from Fire Dog Lake–a “progressive,” pro-Democratic Party blog – explains a lot about what is wrong with […]
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
By: MARTY G Source: There’s a hell of a lot of mis-information and confusing numbers about the economic potential of mining around, and that suits Gerry Brownlee and National because it lets them exaggerate the case for opening up the National Parks. John Armstrong says “Unfortunately for National, cool economic […]
Feudalism in the 21st century: Hidden globalist agenda all coming together by M. J. Molyneaux (MIPENZ), B.Sc. [Eng Mat]; B. Soc. Sc. Hons., M.A.[psychometry research] The proliferation of recent articles, books and headlines warning of global weather catastrophe (1), alarming rumours of world war lll (9) and predictions of another […]