[  This is a nifty animation about what happens when you export most of your industry to Asia and then keep practising usury … https://cohort11.americanobserver.net/latoyaegwuekwe/multimediafinal.html … reminds me of that old Rolling Stones song …  and if you play the mp3 while you watch the animation it really works.  ]


High Quality || Part 1 of 10 [youtube]r3OedIuaZto[/youtube] [youtube]dR0SfMG8aDs[/youtube] [youtube]gKKdC73Pdbc[/youtube] [youtube]1V0ugZQowXU[/youtube] [youtube]XBSxRA4qjo4[/youtube] [youtube]_i5Eoa5Bmus[/youtube] [youtube]oMdcEN-2j3E[/youtube] [youtube]7TOh67R3aZc[/youtube] [youtube]CoxNgPngNQY[/youtube] [youtube]YlYi2O2cLdY[/youtube] [youtube]


[youtube]Q8EKGtf_YrY[/youtube] In an unprecedented defeat for the Federal Reserve, an amendment to audit the multi-trillion dollar institution was approved by the House Finance Committee with an overwhelming and bipartisan 43-26 vote on Thursday afternoon despite harried last-minute lobbying from top Fed officials and the surprise opposition of Chairman Barney Frank […]


NEW YORK (Reuters) – Sooner or later, office buildings and other commercial real estate financed during the credit bubble will generate hurricane-scale losses for banks. Banks in recent years have been hammered by losses on home mortgages, buyouts and corporate defaults. Now, lenders face big losses from loans backed by […]


… it’s not a pretty picture. invasions … bombings … overthrowing governments … occupations … suppressing movements for social change … assassinating political leaders … perverting elections … manipulating labor unions … manufacturing “news” … economic and political sanctions … death squads … torture … biological warfare … depleted uranium […]
