Bussinessinsider.com John Carney|Apr. 21, 2009, 10:29 AM House prices will eventually stop falling, probably in about two years. But will they ever recover to the levels we saw during the heights of boom? In some areas, prices might climb that high again. But for most markets, such a recovery will […]
Store food now folks and plant a vegetable garden. From NZHerald.co.nz Apr 23, 2009 WASHINGTON – The global economy is likely to shrink this year for the first time since World War II. The International Monetary Fund projected the 1.3 per cent drop in a dour forecast released overnight. That […]
Former Presidential candidate gives most dire warning yet about Obama agenda. Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Former presidential candidate Alan Keyes has given perhaps his most dire warning yet, saying that the Obama administration is preparing to stage terror attacks, declare martial law and cancel the […]
TV3 Jobs may go at IRD Tue, 21 Apr 2009 9:54a.m. As unemployment grows and the public sector looks to cut spending, jobs at the Inland Revenue are tipped to be the next to go. Prime Minister John Key said as many as 18,000 more people may be unemployed than […]
This is the latest e-mail from the Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org April 20, 2009 Urgent! Health Freedom and Natural Solutions Under Attack! NONE OF THE LINKS IN THIS EMAIL ARE SET UP TO BE ‘LIVE’. KEEP READING AND LEARN WHY, WHILE YOU LEARN HOW YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM IS UNDER […]
If you haven’t got a copy of The Obama Deception yet folks – make sure you do. It is excellent. Prisonplanet.com From protecting Bush officials who ordered torture from prosecution, to maintaining and expanding the American empire, to warrantless wiretapping of American citizens, all have remained and intensified under Obama […]
The merger of corporate and government powers in modern America is plain and simple fascism, believes Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute and publisher of Trends Journal. For the video, go here. By Russia Today April 19, 2009 ” Russia Today” — Celente takes an in-depth look […]
By Lorraine Smith I was on youtube on Sunday and found a really good interview that took place in the US on the 13th April between William K Black, Professor of Economics, and Bill Moyers. It was actually broadcast on mainstream media which is amazing given what was said about […]
Part 1 go here Part2 go here. Related: Kissinger calls on Obama to Create New World Order NEW WORLD ORDER OUT OF CHAOS: THE COMING ECONOMIC DEPRESSION
A new pawnbrokers opens in the heart of London’s financial district beside elite banks where city workers are hocking their high-end watches and jewellery. Go here for the video. Related: Money as Debt, Paul Grignon’s 47-minute animated presentation of “Money as Debt” tells in very simple and effective graphic terms […]