The Vatican is preparing to release a document giving guidance on how to discern supernatural phenomena. Timothy H.J. NerozziFox NewsWed, 08 May 2024  The Holy See Press Office announced the upcoming document will be published May 17 with a live-streamed press conference featuring Prefect for the Dicastery for the Doctrine of […]

The latest federal data from the Centers for Disease Control shows that the fertility rate among U.S. women plummeted to just 1.6 births per woman in 2023. by Leo Hohmann   Jun 6, 2024 This is the lowest recorded birth rate since the U.S. government began keeping such statistics in the 1930s. […]

The official representative of the Chinese Ministry of Defense, Wu Qian, said that the PLA is ready, together with the Russian Armed Forces, to defend justice in the world. via Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng Wu Qian stressed that the Chinese armed forces are willing to work together with […]

Right on the cusp of WW3 and with Iran a solid partner with Russia and the CCP, this happens… President Raisi’s helicopter crashes in Iran: What we know so far A helicopter carrying Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and the foreign minister crashed while travelling back from East Azerbaijan. Iranian President […]

News we simply don’t hear in the mainstream. Putin may or may not have been a target, but Jennifer Zeng’s report and footage is important nevertheless as the New World Order continues to take shape. SEE ALSO: Meanwhile, I can attest to the spectacular auroral displays over Christchurch skies last […]

More to this presentation than the title and thumbnail would suggest. Machiavelli is just the starting-point for a deep-dive into how modern politics and economics are manipulated and controlled. MH The Life Guide The Life Guide Niccolo Machiavelli is one of the greatest political philosophers of all time, with his […]
