As the Western world continues to swing towards the political Right Wing, many of us are rejoicing a reprieve from the liberal-progressive insanity of the Left. But are we being led into trap? Is the Left-Right divide a charade? David Sorenson thinks so, and a plot to bring forth a […]

The best science fiction manages to predict the future accurately decades or even centuries in advance, which is why you’ve got a HAL-9000 in your pocket right now. It tends to happen naturally, but in the case of Soylent Green, a worldwide cohort of intelligentsia, business leaders, and politicians are […]

The respect shown to the questioner, the lengthy, detailed response. This is why Trump remains the people’s number one choice for US president. Will Trump lead the west in the next war, or prevent it? It is worth emphasizing the essential part of Trump’s response to the question posed by […]

In a fiery and passionate speech, Argentinian President Javier Milei took the stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and delivered a powerful message about the virtues of freedom and capitalism. THIS SPEECH JUST BROKE THE INTERNET! Farzad Farzad102K subscribers Milei, a libertarian economist and outspoken critic of […]
