A deluge of commentary on recent events in US Political scene as the elections loom, from regular contributor G Squared. (plus additional links and updates on Hunter Biden) The FBI had Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro, and a hard drive on 9/12/2019, following a subpoena served on the repair shop. Hunter […]
Chris Chapelle’s superb analysis on Obama’s dodgy claim. America Uncovered President Donald Trump has a SECRET China Bank account. But wait, is that true? The New York Times revealed Trump Taxes that show he had a Chinese bank account. And everyone from Rachel Maddow to former US President Barack Obama […]
New Zealand had an election in the weekend with predictable results, determined in my mind by fear, delusion and a hope for deliverance from a pandemic that has had minimal impact apart from destroying an economy that was already in deep trouble. From Seemorerocks : Monday, 19 October 2020 I […]
A new mRNA diagnostic tool developed at Stanford University and funded by BARDA and DARPA is bringing implantable biochip technology closer to reality. by Raul Diego The POC (point-of-care) diagnostics market stands at about $18.8 billion globally, according to recent market trends, and is expected to grow by a third to $24.1 […]
Beware religion and politics riding in the same car! MH Ethan Huff October 10, 2020 (Natural News) In his latest Fratelli Tutti (Brothers All) encyclical letter, Pope Francis issues a plea for the nations of the world to hand their reins of power over to the United Nations, which Francis says will lead us all […]
The UK Prime Minister’s remote speech to his party conference saw him dismiss the idea of returning to normality. Is he using Covid-19 to follow the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda, as many have warned? Neil ClarkRTWed, 07 Oct 2020 ‘It’s not really about public health or a virus. […]
Spot the agenda! The year 2030 mentioned should be big clue. MH By Robert Wheeler Recently, I wrote an article discussing the looming food crisis in the United States and the rest of the world. While it might seem like paranoia to some readers, the information provided in that article is very real. […]
There can be little doubt: The New World Order is taking shape rapidly in the wake of the COVID “Plandemic”. But how will the world be re-organised? by Martin Harris 11/10/20 Regular readers will be familiar with the basics of The Kalergi Plan which involved dividing the world into five […]
First it was the Fed, then the ECB, and now the BOJ: the world’s central banks are quietly preparing to unleash digital currencies on an unsuspecting population in one final last-ditch attempt to spark inflation and do away with the current monetary orthodoxy… By Tyler Durden First it was the Fed, then the ECB, and […]
The Australien Government has made an ad about the recession, its cuts to Jobseeker/Jobkeeper, tax cuts for the rich, cuts to the Environment Act; and the ‘Gas-led Recovery’ – and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. thejuicemedia 👉 Ways you can support us to keep making videos: 🔹 Become a Patron: […]