“Why is a government agency fronting a funding drive for Westpac Helicopter? Is this agency acting as a Trojan horse, to gather detailed food crop information, not just about stock but all food available on farms?” By Hilary Butler I have some SERIOUS questions, about the motives of the NZ […]

Mayhem in Melbourne On August 2, lockdown measures were implemented in Melbourne, Australia, that were so draconian that Australian news commentator Alan Jones said on Sky News: “People are entitled to think there is an ‘agenda to destroy western society.’” Ellen BrownWeb of DebtSat, 22 Aug 2020 The gist of an […]

As far back as 2015 the NZDF has run exercises based on quelling ‘civil unrest’. They practiced with troops from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, the Pacific and elsewhere. Bit familiar isn’t it? From Pam Vernon EWR The practice runs, like Event 201. The appearance of the military in the streets […]

Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko says he and Vladimir Putin “agree” that the forces allegedly directing the ongoing political crisis in Belarus are aiming to attack Russia next. RTSat, 22 Aug 2020 “In Russia, I often see the media saying: ‘Oh, in Belarus, in Belarus…’ But it’s happening right here, on the […]

Well, to tell the truth… Police being defunded, and stood down. Rioters paid and legally protected. Business owners closed and jailed. China Virus causing shut downs. Rent payments suspended. High unemployment. Violent drug related crimes. A destroyed economy. Corrupt political animals blocking stimuli packages. Major Inner City devastations in Dem […]

Welcome back to #NewWorldNextWeek — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. By The Corbett Report This week: Story #1: State Attorneys General Urge U.S. to Let Other Firms Make Gilead COVID-19 Drug Red Flags Soar As […]
