All too often at Uncensored we receive communications from people who are fed up with the way things are going socially, politically and economically, and need a platform to share their views on the state of the nation. It is easy to complain (as I do on a daily basis!) […]
Editor’s Choice
Vaccine myocarditis is not trivial, mild, or “rare.” In young men, it’s a far greater risk than Covid hospitalization and death. Rav Aroraravaroral.substack.comTue, 15 Nov 2022 On May 12th of last year, school teacher Emily Jo took her 14-year-old son Aiden to get his first Pfizer vaccine dose. The public […]
The following is a brief excerpt from a superb and extensive article via David Sorensen. Please share and sign up for this valuable resource. Spread the truth about Ukraine! Thanks to Jon Eisen for the link. The editor of one of Europes largest newspapers, Udo Ulfkotte, made a shocking confession. After […]
Its increasingly difficult to tell the difference these days, so yes, this IS satire. However, we’re tempted to pitch it to Biden’s campaign team and see if they run with it! MH The Babylon Bee released a new campaign ad for Joe Biden
Yes, it’s an MSM video. Get over it. I chose it because it sums up my impression that the circumstances surrounding the attack on Paul Pelosi just don’t feel right. How did this guy walk through all the security at the Pelosi mansion, and is there really a connection to […]
THOSE WHO CANNOT REMEMBER THE PAST ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT: Is collapse inevitable? The latest of many great and very informative videos from The Academy of Ideas. I’ve been a subscriber for several years now and find the content to be top-tier and presented in a sober and intelligent […]
Mainstream Media corruption, Police dirty tactics, it’s all here. Thanks to Liz Gunn of FreeNZ Liz Gunn speaks with Brenton Faithfull, a funeral director and a Justice of the Peace, about his experiences over the last year in New Zealand. FreeNZ on—BrentonFaithfull:5 SOURCE: ClareSwinney
More hypocrisy, contradictions and thinly veiled police-state rantings from the Red Queen herself, Jacinda Ardern, Prime-Minister-in-exile of New Zealand. MEME THE LEFT186K subscribers ## BIDEN ACTUALLY ADMITTED THIS: ## MEMES OF THE DAY – LEFTY NIMBY EDITION: ## BUMBLING BIDEN LITERALLY ASKED FOR THIS: ## WHEN YOU […]
NewstalkZB is a great NZ news and affairs channel and one of the very few Mainstream sources that retains a balanced stance and asks the hard questions, which explains why Ardern ran away from her interview slot there! Heather Du Plessis Allen is on fire here and demolishes this naive […]
I always keep an eye out for the strange and unusual and signs accompanying events. This incident is from the Queen’s funeral five days ago. It’s still unexplained. It happened as the funeral procession was being filmed from a helicopter. (Jo Blogs) From Jo Blogs at Red Sky In The Morning In […]