First fungi that eats plastic, now fungi that “eats” radiation. What next for the humble fungi? MH John VibesThe Mind UnleashedMon, 10 Feb 2020 09:04 UTC Certain types of fungi are attracted to radiation, and can actually neutralize radiation in certain environments. For a long time, scientists have known that […]
Editor’s Choice
Don’t miss this sneak preview of four new tracks coming this month from the irrepressible Saru-G. Soon to be released on Soundcloud and other platforms. Hard-hitting, controversial lyrics, spelling it how it is. All set to multi-genre dance tracks. House, techno, funk and liquid drum-n-bass. Watch this space. If you […]
Nigel Farage silenced for breaking the rules during his final speech in the EU Parliament Saw this special moment played on the TV news and it put a smile on my dial. Enjoy! MH “There is a historic battle going on now across the West – in Europe, America and […]
Hard-hitting documentary reveals behind the scenes of Greta — Watch as her security roughs up reporter Keean Bexte of Rebel News travels to Stockholm to investigate Greta Thunberg’s origins and speak with Greta herself.
Great victory for internet freedom in India! On 10th of January, 2019, the Supreme Court of India requested the Indian central government to review the suspension of internet services in Jammu and Kashmir. The ruling stated that the five-month long communication blockade imposed on the region by the Indian government […]
Time Magazine’s Puppet Of The Year continues to provide unintended entertainment. What a sham. MH A Thursday evening software update at Facebook accidentally allowed anyone to view exactly who is posting under the accounts of public figures, businesses and other entities, according to Wired. Tyler DurdenZeroHedgeMon, 13 Jan 2020 18:14 […]
A PC Specialist ad has been banned in the UK for perpetuating “harmful gender stereotypes” because it doesn’t feature any women. Paul Joseph Watson – Summit News Jan 11, 2020 Apparently, the commercial, which features a white man, a black man and an Asian man, isn’t diverse enough. The UK’s […]
A lot of detail and connections to take in! More great detective work from Ben Vidgen. Much gratitude to Ben for permission to share this blog. Cheers mate. MH WHY IS GEO NET LYING IT ASS OFF WHO WAS ON WHITE ISLAND??? 1. Look at the Geonet (the government agency […]
Superb blog! My respect to author Paul Dunbar for this outstanding piece: Written by Paul Dunbar December 21, 2019 Whirl up, sea — whirl your pointed pines, splash your great pines on our rocks, hurl your green over us, cover us with your pools of fir. (Oread, by H. D.) Carbon […]
Despite alarmist claims of “catastrophic global warming”, there is no empirical evidence to confirm that or any acceleration in global sea level rise. Notwithstanding this lack of evidence many people, often those with vested interests, still cling to the alarmist beliefs that catastrophic sea level rise is imminent. Dr. John […]