“They use all forms of persuasion to prevent people from speaking out, to silence people. Threats, intimidation, blackmail, financial deprivation. And all types of harassment such as put under intensive surveillance, telephone tapping, all of this. They pull out the stops and they have unlimited funds because those funds are […]
Editor’s Choice
Well, this makes a change from “shock and awe” bombing threat negotiation doesn’t it? RTSat, 07 Dec 2019 21:22 UTC In a reprieve from the usual bellicose rhetoric, President Donald Trump thanked the leaders of Iran for swapping an American prisoner with a detained Iranian scientist. Senior officials, however, told […]
“All The Players In This Great Game Of ‘Gotcha’ Are About To Face The Consequences” JH Kunstler Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com, The last time the Democratic Party blew up in a presidential election year was 1860. It had evolved from Jefferson’s 1800 bloc of yeoman farmers to […]
In this terrifying video, you see a man caged in a metal chair being interrogated by the Chinese police for comments he posted online. Watch video on Bitchute at link below: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I1gJ0_Pz7qI/ …Coming to your neighborhood soon?
Best summation we’ve seen of the suspicious circumstances. Judge for yourself: u-new-monkey – reddit Dec 1, 2019 In no particular order: A terrorist attack happened in the exact same area just before the last Election took place in 2017 Coincidentally there was a BBC reporter on the bridge both times […]
Still just a crackpot conspiracy theory, is it? Read the article and get a sense of the true scale of this evil. Arjun Walia – Renegade Tribune Dec 1, 2019 With Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew making headlines across mainstream media around the globe, many people who weren’t aware of […]
His name is often mentioned, but we’re frequently asked who he actually is and what is his agenda? This article sums things up rather well. MH Hide Out Now – Nov 30, 2019 George Soros has financed abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, and more recently, district attorney races in […]
Beware Global Warming! Not because it will consume our planet in fire but rather because it is a Trojan horse concealing a much more real threat, one that will consume our economy, our democracy and our way of life. By Dave Ball Ever since Michael Mann’s fantasy “hockey stick” temperature […]
A series of classified Chinese government documents were leaked by a group of journalists describing the secret operations of detention camps in Xinjiang, reported Reuters. November 25, 2019 By Tyler Durden Published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) Sunday, the documents offer a rare look into the massive internment camp […]
Almost in the “Too good to be true” category. I remain cautious, but optimistic. MH Hong Kong (CNN) Pro-democracy candidates appear to have made major gains in Hong Kong’s district council elections, as early results trickled in Monday morning, with multiple high-profile pro-government figures losing their seats. More than 2.9 […]