On the lighter side. Australasian readers may be familiar with the humourous yet oh-so-painfully honest “Government ads” by Juice Media. Here’s their latest: Honest Government Ad | Preferential Voting thejuicemedia Published on May 13, 2019 The Australien Government has made an ad about Preferential Voting and it’s surprisingly honest and […]

YouTube has crossed the line! RT gives you the story, we add the actual text of the “law” for your education, and PragerU asks you to sign their petition: Minutes after announcing a new policy clamping down on “hateful” and “supremacist” videos, YouTube got to work banning, demonetizing, or otherwise […]

Australian Federal Police officers have left the ABC’s Sydney headquarters more than eight hours after a raid began over a series of 2017 stories known as the Afghan Files. “This is a serious development and raises legitimate concerns over freedom of the press and proper public scrutiny of national security […]
