Source: vigilant citizen Published: September 22, 2017 Turkish designer Dilara Findikoglu’s presented her Spring/Summer 2018 collection at London Fashion Week and it was nothing less than a satanic Black Mass. Indeed, the event took place at the altar of St Andrew Church in London and incorporated heavy occult and satanic symbolism. […]
Editor’s Choice
AN ELDERLY couple have told of the bizarre sight of 30 to 40 UFOs hovering outside their home the night before a major military operation unfolded. By Jon Austin PUBLISHED: 17:17, Fri, Sep 15, 2017 | UPDATED: 18:10, Fri, Sep 15, 2017 The husband and wife, aged in their 80s, […]
Fantastic Lyrics and mindblowing animation. More music-with-a-message from Jaz Coleman and Killing Joke:
9/08/2017 — Extremely Large M8.1 earthquake strikes Mexico — Buoys showing movement in ocean
Backing up what the Alternative Archaeology crowd have been saying for years, it seems humans have been around for many millions of years. The standard model of human evolution seems to be unravelling and it all seems to be realigning to the alternative theories that were being rubbished not so […]
Antony Sutton, Skull&Bones, Hitler, the Bush family by Jon Rappoport August 27, 2017 The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events. I recently came across a 1999 interview with Sutton, conducted by Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers. Millegan wrote about […]
They also beat the Ancient Greeks to it, according to Australian academics SOME READERS MAY ALSO PICK UP ON THE NUMBER “322”, THE MYSTERIOUS NUMBER OF THE YALE SKULL AND BONES FRATERNITY. COINCIDENCE? Ian Johnston Science Correspondent @montaukian The Ancient Babylonians knew about a form of trigonometry more […]
Should Christians take the Bible as “Gospel”? Not according to this rediscovered work, which sheds light on the allegorical aspects and intent of early Church authors. With an increasing trend towards fundamentalism, literalism and an insistence that the Bible is a historical document (usually tied in with Flat Earth theories […]
What to make of this? From the Library Of Congress: Can it be some sort of elaborate hoax? Any enlightening info or opinions would be appreciated! Published on Aug 9, 2017 August 9, 2017: Books surface from over 124 years ago, entered at the Library of Congress with many […]
Charlottesville: black and white conflict in America And the solution that almost no one appears to want—why are people allergic to solutions that work? by Jon Rappoport August 18, 2017 My tech partner and producer, Theo Wesson, has made several notes on the latest episode of black-white conflict in America, […]