Please help the grieving Pike River families find closure and some answers:
Editor’s Choice
Thanks to Rose at the Con Trail for this one. Source is Jim Lee. Even mentions Barium Titanate, the magic ingredient in the Chemtrail/weather mod/holography brew. Researchers take note, this is pure gold. Thanks Jim Lee The North Western Courier 1951 Weather Modification History
Some anonymous coward has dobbed in a well known TV personality for speaking his mind. Yet, every day in the media, we have far more serious blasphemies and affronts to human decency going on without anyone batting an eyelid. I’m a Christian, and I could easily counter and debate Fry’s […]
Published on May 4, 2017 It is quite a thing to realize how much of our cultural world was invented by SciFi writers back in the day. Many of these fiction writers can be shown to be related to the Tavistock Institute. Aliens and UFOs are no different. While I […]
Cartels of the mind: the free individual returns May3 by Jon Rappoport Cartels of the Mind: the free individual returns by Jon Rappoport May 3, 2017 “Dominoes of the collective begin to fall. The whole rotting structure begins to collapse, a wing here and a wing there, and the robots open […]
…How many souls are there really in this world? Do we just take it for granted the figures are true? Some are asking and searching for themselves: Caterpillar found to eat shopping bags, suggesting biodegradable solution to plastic pollution April 24, 2017 Scientists have found that a caterpillar commercially bred for fishing bait has the ability to biodegrade polyethylene: one of the toughest and most used plastics, frequently found clogging up landfill sites in the form […]
Archaeology shocker: Study claims humans reached the Americas 130,000 years ago The Washington Post Sarah Kaplan Some 130,000 years ago, scientists say, a mysterious group of ancient people visited the coastline of what is now Southern California. More than 100,000 years before they were supposed to have arrived in the […]
Interesting story/hypothesis: By Taxi In a recently published article, Gilad Atzmon wondered where the concepts of ‘chosenness’ and a ‘vengeful god’ come from. Here below, I posit a plausible answer to his poignant questions. * * * * * * Imagine it’s four thousand years ago and you are the […]
For historical interest and reference. Fascinating interview: Keyhoe was famously cut off during an interview on television in the early 50’s (referenced in this later interview). The UFO research organisation NICAP, which Keyhoe led, had CIA operatives hidden within the ranks, as the Freedom of Information Act has since revealed. The CIA […]