Musk’s epic interview with an ill-prepared BBC interviewer analyzed by Dr. John Campbell. If you haven’t seen the interview, it’s a “must watch”. Mr Musk interview Dr. John Campbell 2.75M subscribers Elon Musk accuses BBC of covering up vaccine side effects… Full interview… Mr. Musk: Does the BBC […]
Editor’s Comment
IIIIT’S GROUNDHOG DAY!! And yes, Donald Trump’s going to be arrested…and no this isn’t an April Fool… Martin Harris 1/4/23 It started off with something serious. Russian collusion. Not only did that one fail, but it looks more like the Biden clan are in Russia up to their eyeballs, so […]
This year’s Solar Maximum is shaping up to be a lively one. Will we live to see a Carrington Event, and what will that mean for our civilization? The MSM will tell you all sorts of crazy things. My MSM feed screamed about a “big black hole” opening up in […]
The backlash against Posie Parker’s shameful treatment has just begun as the rabid behaviour of Woke protestors takes its toll on our already Ardern-battered international reputation. Just yesterday this author commented (see link below) that the mob behavior of the poorly organised protestors would bite them in the backside. As […]
Does anyone remember the Joni Mitchell song Big Yellow Taxi? “Take down all the trees and put ’em in a tree museum…tear down paradise to put up a parking lot…” Well, we’re there. This is a sign of just how far down the Green path (or bus route) of madness […]
Shameful behaviour by the “kind and inclusive” Woke brigade. Sooner or later it will backfire on them. Opinion by Martin Harris 25/3/23 I’ve been to a lot of protests over the last few years. All of them were portrayed as “Far Right” and received little MSM coverage for the simple […]
Teachers deserve better pay. Its a tough job. And all power to the teachers of New Zealand for their recent protest action. But that’s only half the reason for teachers to stand up. Healthcare and education. Without decent healthcare and education, our society is doomed. Currently it would appear that […]
We’ve posted many blogs and articles on the Social Credit subject for years now. Warned about it coming, screamed it from the rooftops. New Zealand is going full steam ahead with Light Rail (while discouraging private transportation) and this will go hand in with it. FOR PITY’S SAKE!! WAKE THE […]
Looking at current world events, you might want to look up or reconsider the strange case of Al Bielek… Martin Harris 9/3/23 It can hardly have escaped everyone’s attention that the news media have whipped into a frenzy by the (not really surprising) news of China and Russia’s recently unveiled […]
Take a look at this job request. Vaccination Supply Operations Lead. Does this indicate something nefarious is afoot or what? from Jon Eisen 2/3/23 Take note of the date posted. This isn’t old news and doesn’t relate to the Covid rollout of 2021. Is this for reaL? Yes, absolutely it […]