Matching outfits, masks and dark glasses (which the cops would surely remove for ID) and all looking just a little too clean-cut? The police stand with their backs to the alleged protestors (?) and give plenty of time for photo ops. I call BS on this; surely a False Flag. […]
Editor’s Comment
While China building mockups in the Gobi Desert and blowing them up is nothing new, considering the current escalations it pays to take heed, especially since I made the mistake of judging Russia’s military buildup at Ukraine’s border to be “Saber-Rattling”. Lesson learned! MH Taipei, May 13 (CNA) China appears […]
Hello Jacinda Ardern. Sorry to hear you are unwell. Perhaps now is a time good time for me to talk and you to listen. Now, I’m nobody famous, you’ve likely never heard of me, and that’s fine. I’m just one of your employers; One of the five million or so […]
New Zealand now has allegedly surpassed a million Covid cases since the pandemic began. However unofficially it could be three or four times that figure. Think about that. This is a country of 5 million people. 96% vaccinated! So where’s the herd immunity narrative gone? As of January 2022, we […]
Throughout the last two years anyone who questioned the Pandemic narrative, even by using official government data, was told ‘you are not an expert so you are not qualified to talk about it.’ … The quote came from a random comment on YouTube. I thought it was meme-worthy. So here […]
Is someone using a code? The following is a brief excerpt from a blog-in-progress, and thus part of a bigger picture. I felt it worthy of posting as readers may wish to pursue this matter for themselves. This is just a sample of numerous “88” references with regards Ukraine, and […]
A great day in NZ politics yesterday. About time too. It was getting a little boring. Opinion by Martin Harris Jacinda Ardern returned from her Grand Japanese Kiwifruit Adventure, and the moment she stepped off the ‘plane she was took a hit. Well, more like a wrecking ball smack on […]
So far, this man has had a stellar record for accuracy. There’s no reason to doubt him now. If Trump were still President the Ukraine situation would have played out very differently. There would, I think, have been deals made without war or bloodshed (ie profits for the war-profiteers) and […]
A selection of memes collated by the Uncensored team. If readers wish to send their own memes (or suggestions for memes that we can generate) then we might make this a regular feature. MH A Star Trek predictive on that theme: And on a Presidential theme:
Amazing that the NZ government, so anti-gun and anti Far-Right, particularly after the Christchurch mosque shootings which led to a ban on AR weapons in NZ, are now intending to provide weapons funding to Ukraine. Watch these videos and you’ll understand the hypocrisy in this decision. Note that these presentations […]