[ The only other people who won’t care about this – will be those humans currently trying to tooth & claw their way into what is considered to be ‘the ruling class’. Those humans are almost worse. They will sell their own grandmothers to ‘get ahead‘ ] As more and […]
Editor’s Comment
Sexual abuse, the Catholic Church and society Catholic church an integral part of the process that produces child sex abuse. 1. Pointing the finger Laymen and professionals alike have a habit of oversimplifying, taking sides and confusing the issues of child sex abuse. We all love pointing fingers at others, […]
… and that’s because most Semitic folks speak arabic. and if you don’t like it ? – then I believe that you can go to Hell. Those who are curious & unsqueamish about what Hell actually looks like can click on the link, below https://www.vimeo.com/8510167 One Year Ago Today. Happy […]
The Millenial Perspective Student kicked out of school, undergoes psych evaluation for drawing Jesus on cross Date: 12/15/2009 11:01:25 AM Elijah Friedeman, the Millennial Perspective This is outrageous. When told by his teacher to draw something that reminded him of Christmas, this kid drew a picture of Jesus on the cross. […]
The Northern Imposed Imbalance (or: ‘Why Is My Life Getting More Expensive?’) By Scott Ewing, 8th September 2009 I was on my way to work when it hit me – something went, like a fan belt snapping or the crack of a hip bone. My life is getting more expensive. […]
Just thought I would pass this around as much of it makes sense to me. I have thought for a long time that Zeitgeist was a “limited hangout” designed to further deteriorate the real message of Jesus. So much easier to do when he becomes a “non person” in the […]
https://www.infowars.com/?p=1830 IT Business Edge April 30, 2008 It’s no surprise that the war in Iraq is not the most popular cause with some groups, and the protest group Waihopai Anzac Ploughshares can be counted among those. Ploughshares has claimed responsibility for the security breach at one of New Zealand’s most […]
I don’t try too hard to be anyone other than myself. There are real benefits from ‘keeping it real’. So when my column was published in the debut issue of Uncensored, I was under no illusions as to what some folks might think of what I had written. I was […]
UNCENSORED CONTRIBUTION FROM JAMES SAMUEL Clap our hands together one at a time to hear the sound? point: we KNOW all the “terrorism” bullshit is just that…what NOW? At the time it happened (7th July) I wondered how long it would take, before this sort of questioning started coming out. […]