Filmed at Defend the Right to Protest Meeting 5th May 2011 John McDonnell MP (Member of Parliament) explains how the British Government is giving the UK Police carte blanche to attack and attempt to crush the student and trade union uprising.
[youtube]jgNjiHBYmx8[/youtube] [youtube]kwZtf-qe1xE[/youtube] [youtube]hCdE3BFHruU[/youtube]
[ This from Bonfires of the Brands ] [youtube]A_ut93YYZu8[/youtube]
[ The Love Police and others meets “The War On Your Body” in Downtown Toronto This documentary is the closest thing to participating in a G 20 protest – without actually participating in a G 20 protest. Shot on cell phones & camcorders – edited on home computers. ] […]
His assault on Libya is run by the US Africa Command, which was set up in 2007 to secure the continent’s lucrative natural resources from Africa’s impoverished people and the rapidly spreading commercial influence of China. Libya, along with Angola and Nigeria, is China’s principal source of oil. As […]
[ You’d think that all those empty McMansions could help America solve its homeless problem. But no. A commentator at source points out the following ] This is a perfect example of why Capitalism is not only extremely wasteful but also a modern day form of slavery. It is not […]
From a speech by Daniel Abrahamson given at “A Project For A New American Citizen : Rebuilding America’s Senses – Exposing False-Flag terrorism To Prevent A New 9/11” – a conference held at Austin University – in Texas. [youtube]MUDfYcY0CIM[/youtube]
Nearly five years after they snuck onto the BBC as Dow Chemical and took full responsibility for the Bhopal catastrophe (sending Dow’s stock plunging – see, [youtube]ZzpJk47U3Os[/youtube] the Yes Men are interviewed by the BBC. [youtube]A7DzR11FRg8[/youtube]