[ Rod Parsley tells you what everyone else should know – and he tells it like it is ] [youtube]30-WtZTH06o[/youtube]
What Bush Started Is Furthered By Obama ~ All In The Name Of Peace. Mercifully, it was Vladimir Putin and not Osama bin Laden who characterized the UN resolution number 1973 as “defective and flawed”, even though he could have stopped it by using Russian veto power. “It allows everything,” […]
The Empire that rules over us like all others before it has resorted to lies to keep the society together. In a small community trust is like the mortar that holds separate bricks together to form one cohesive and enduring building. Yet even the dimmest bulb can clearly see that […]
This is an important video that may remind you how we got to where we are right now. Lifting the Veil from S DN on Vimeo. No – it’s not the fault of the people of the United States for what is going on – after all they voted for […]
The US is losing the global information war, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared while appearing before a congressional committee to ask for extra funds to spread US propaganda through new media. [youtube]LyjnEm8DZkI[/youtube] [ Israel also recently shelled out an additional $ 1.6 million for its own internet propaganda ( […]
[ … finally … ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjwDrZeqM_g Federal Reserve Fraud exposed on The Dylan Ratigan Show. These are the facts that the alternative media has SCREAMED for years.
371 Swiss banks stand accused of collaborating with the Nazis during World War II. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cakKQmi–w This was suspected at the time by by U.S. Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, who began investigating this collaboration. He found the Swiss were not alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sm1wFfH7ro His archives reveal that both British and American […]
At least 80 people were killed in U.S. drone strikes launched Thursday morning in different parts of Pakistan’s northwest tribal area of North Waziristan, reported local state-run Urdu TV channel PTV, but the report failed to give details other than saying 12 missiles were fired at different targets in the […]