https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hCkNsAz79c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-zsSxEwfAs “THE LAST NAIL OF SO-CALLED SCHOOL REFORM is being struck in the coffin of traditional American education which made our nation the envy of the Free World and which produced famous scientists, engineers, mathematicians, writers, artists, musicians, doctors, etc. The reform is not new. It started in the […]


Two of Glenn Beck’s fellow rodeo clowns ridicule “conspiracy theorists” on the air: For more information on how these robots are produced,   Charlotte Iserbyt has an e-book that is being offered as a free download: https://deliberatedumbingdown.com/index.html – https://uncensored.co.nz/2010/11/20/aspartame-sweet-misery/ – How Aspartame Became Legal  – The Timeline Sent to Rense.com from Rich […]


According to new revelations, Assange had allegedly struck a deal with Israel before the recent ‘cable gate’, which may explain why the leaks “were good for Israel,” as the Israeli prime minister put it. A number of commentators, particularly in Turkey and Russia, have been wondering why the hundreds of […]
