This a direct response to the Newsroom article ‘Human civilisation has never existed in a climate this hot’ by Marc Daalder, first published 9/8/21. I will dissect without mercy! by Martin Harris 14/8/21 First, some background context. Cast your minds back to 2019, before COVID-19 took the spotlight. The IPCC […]
Is this a consequence of geoengineering? MH Massive Flooding in Henan Zhengzhou | People Trapped in Subway | China’s Dam In Crisis On July 20, Zhengzhou City in Henan Province, China, was hit by an extreme rainstorm that was unseen for centuries. A video showed hundreds of passengers were trapped […]
When a government turns on its people, the people turn on the government. by Martin Harris 16/7/21 Not a statue was toppled. No windows broken, no fires were lit. Yet what may be the largest and most significant protest in New Zealand history took place today. The MSM, of course, […]
Watch some Electric Vehicles pump out more pollution in a matter of minutes than a whole fleet of fossil-fuel vehicles! Where’s Ralph Nader these days? In the words of Judge Dredd: “Happy motoring”:
Climate alarmists are celebrating the 33 years that have passed since the June 23, 1988 Democratic Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing that opened the door on global warming climate alarmism with testimony from Committee Democratic Senators and supposed “experts” sharing their speculation of sensationalized doomsday perspectives allegedly caused by increasing […]
Anyone with a few research skills will quickly learn that EVs are not the “clean green” alternative that they are claimed to be, but the Labour government wants us purchasing them nevertheless. But is charging a fee on buying your next petrol car to fund rebates for buyers of EVs […]
Christchurch got a head start after the 2011 earthquake “demolition job”. Now Wellington is close behind and may soon eclipse Christchurch as leading 2030 Agenda “Sustainable City”. Here’s the article from Pam Vernon: IMPLEMENTING AGENDA 21/30: WELLINGTON COUNCILLORS VOTE TO INVESTIGATE CAR-FREE CENTRAL CITY BY 2025 If you have had […]
The stepped underwater rock structure on Japan’s Yonaguni Island is one of the most enigmatic of unsolved mysteries. Is it natural or artificial? Is it evidence of a lost civilisation from the last ice age, or is there another possibility? Martin Harris 6/6/21 While archeologists, geologists and ancient mysteries researchers […]
Journalist Donald Carr is right – “the saga of biofuel fraud is a cautionary tale that reads like a spy thriller.” No doubt it could and probably will be turned into a big-budget Hollywood movie with an all-star cast that will be raved about for years. By B.N. Frank What is particularly […]
Geoengineering is a wacky conspiracy theory, is it? Shiver in your shoes Earthlings: Emperor Gates wants to send us into a new Ice Age. MH Fox News Apocalypse Neve’ author Michael Shellenberger calls idea ‘terrible’ on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #FoxNews #Tucker Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News […]