It’s so simple. Don’t eat anything that comes from a factory – and that includes meat. The food industry is bigger than the oil industry and every bit as corrupt and manipulative. If they had their way, all food would come in a box, filled with low-cost garbage ingredients, and […]
[youtube]zODkMFTVrls[/youtube] Alan Shore: When the weapons of mass destruction thing turned out to be not true, I expected the American people to rise up. Ha! They didn’t. Then, when the Abu Ghraib torture thing surfaced and it was revealed that our government participated in rendition, a practice where we kidnap […]
[ … this from Uncensored’s ‘Peeing In Your Own Gene-Pool’ files ] Israel’s population is facing a dire threat: a drastic depopulation, from the use of weapons that leave behind Depleted Uranium (DU). Depleted Uranium leads to the word Omnicidal, as DU kills everything in the food chain, everywhere the […] [ … wankers … ] This is DELIBERATE CHEMICAL TOPDRESSING of an unknown substance over a residential area early Sunday morning, April 4th 2010.. It is NOT a normal contrail left by a jet. To see the scale note the moon at 0:40 to see how thick this trail is. WHO is doing this […]
So where did you spend Passover? Tens of thousands of Israelis were in Sinai. They ignored the Counter-Terrorism Bureau’s warning, yet returned home safe and sound. Other Israelis – wait until you hear this – visited Cairo. I repeat: Cairo! They too returned tired but happy. They too did not […]
The movie, Green Zone, covers our attack on Iraq with considerable accuracy. The film clearly outlines how, in order to justify an illegal invasion, an American government created “false flag” intelligence. Despite any crimes Saddam may have committed, currently America has caused more civilian deaths in Iraq than Saddam […]
[ h / t : Nat ] Using archived stock footage, I tried to paint a picture of the tranquility of everyday life being interrupted by chaotic events such as war. [ yeah -that- chaotic event ] Majority of the war stock footage is from Iwo Jima documentation and the […]