The health care “reform” bill isn’t anything that deserves the name reform. The very word “reform” at least tacitly implies amelioration of social ills. For those who haven’t seen it, the fact sheet from Fire Dog Lake–a “progressive,” pro-Democratic Party blog – explains a lot about what is wrong with […]
Article [ h / t : Mark ] All groups of people and all races are polluted with genetic misfits. These certain individuals are born with a lack of conscience. It allows them to kill, rob, steal, manipulate and do all sorts of other deviant acts without feeling remorse for […]
Mar 23rd 2010 | From The Economist online FANS combing internet sites are not the only people eagerly anticipating a pair of epic fantasy movies based on “The Hobbit”, by J.R.R. Tolkien, that it is planned will start filming this year. New Zealand’s tourist industry, too, is eager to see the […]
It’s been a while since we’ve talked about the world’s biggest industry: the food business. The food industry has one simple goal… To persuade you to unquestioningly eat manufactured junk, made from low-cost garbage ingredients and marked up to the moon. This kind of “food” is guaranteed to ruin your […]
This was my Saturday’s lyrics to breakfast in sunny Bangalore: Monsanto has decided to tell the truth about something: its technology doesn’t work!, reports The Hindu. I’m going to need a second cup of chai to digest this, Monsanto speaking honest!? Indian farmers and scientist have been seeing this in […]
Some video art / personal propoganda from Steeper33 … quite good really, (if A Perfect Circle is your thing ).
The seventh Israeli radio broadcast an interview with Professor Martin Van-Crevel, a noted world specialist in low-intensity wars. Former Professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Van-Crevel discussed publicly what he has been advocating for years in closed military academic circles in Israel and the United States. In his view, […]
A flashback to the Katrina Incident – when a major American city was underwater, the mainstream media presented some of their finest moments so far this century, and the western world got its first sneak peak at what societal collapse might actually look like. The Katrina Incident from Scott Ewing […]