… that never happened. by The Aetheist Conservative On the first Earth Day in 1970, environmentalists predicted the direst imaginable consequences, including the possible extinction of the human race, within 30 years. That is, if we earthlings didn’t obey them and go back to living the life of the savage: […]

If this IS the case there were TWO people poisoned by 1080 on May 28, 2019, at the Kiwicare Ltd warehouse in Bromley, Christchurch, where, according to news reports, chemicals were being processed for delivery to the main 1080-bait factory, Pest Control Research Ltd, in Rolleston. By Carol Sawyer via […]

Time Magazine’s Puppet Of The Year continues to provide unintended entertainment. What a sham. MH A Thursday evening software update at Facebook accidentally allowed anyone to view exactly who is posting under the accounts of public figures, businesses and other entities, according to Wired. Tyler DurdenZeroHedgeMon, 13 Jan 2020 18:14 […]

For Australian farmers battling one of the worst droughts of all time, water is more precious than gold. So imagine being told that government authorities, whose job it is to manage our water, are actually wasting millions and millions of litres of it? Deliberately. Subscribe here: http://9Soci.al/chmP50wA97J Full Episodes here […]
