by Tyler Durden Jun 26, 2017 4:20 AM Ask any Arizonan whether their summers are more tolerable because “it’s a dry heat” and you’re likely to be asked to turn your oven to 150 degrees, stick your head inside for 20 minutes and report back as to whether or not […]
Environment When Evil comes a knocking, #OpGASPUMP WARRIORS RISE UP! Suzanne Maher is sending out “10” more #OpGASPUMP Packages Today!! AWESOMENESS! We are the RESISTANCE! Order yours today! Click here:…… By Suzanne Maher Operation Gas Pump is Here – A World Wide Call to Action Start Waking […]
Thanks to Rose at for the heads-up! Desert Farm Grows 17,000 Tons Of Food Without Soil, Pesticides, Fossil Fuels, or Even Groundwater <img width=”800″ height=”414″ src=”” class=”img-responsive wp-post-image” alt=”desertfarm” srcset=” 800w,×155.png 300w,×397.png 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px” /> Innovations that will make the human race thrive on Earth, […]
19 June 2017 | By GCR Staff South Korea, one of the world’s leading civil nuclear powers, is to abandon plans to build any new reactors or extend the life of existing units. The announcement was made today by newly installed president Moon Jae-in. Moon made the announcement at a […] Last updated 07:30, June 19 2017 GOOGLE Four people are reportedly feared dead in Greenland after an earthquake off the Arctic island’s west coast triggered a tsunami that flooded a village. The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland said that an earthquake late on Saturday (local time) with a magnitude […]
Flint, MI — (RT) Michigan’s attorney general has filed new, more serious charges of involuntary manslaughter against five officials in the Flint Water Crisis investigation, among them the head of Michigan’s health department. Heath chief Nick Lyon was charged with two felonies, involuntary manslaughter and misconduct in office, for failing […]
Thank you Larry Battis ~ from email (Via Rose at This is an extract from an article that will be posted in Veterans Today this coming Saturday, June 17, by Bob Nichols’. Please look for his update if you live anywhere around this area. Amarillo and Points East and […]
Article from Jeffrey Wefferson (Thanks Jeff) NOTE FROM JEFF: The worst part of all this is that with the ‘Pacific Pivot’ militarization of the south Pacific and the massive shift of U.S. naval and other military operations down under, into highly colonized and compliant Australia and New Zealand, ALL THESE TECHNOLOGIES […]
Farmers in Arusha region, Tanzania. Credit: Fanny Schertzer In exchange for developmental assistance, the Tanzanian government has amended legislation to enforce protection of intellectual property rights and facilitate land access for commercial investors, like big agriculture companies Monsanto and Syngenta. The accordance was sparked by the formation of the […]
June 8, 2017 By Suzanne Maher (byebyeblesky) Nano Tech, Geoengineering & The Coming Space Fence With Elana Freeland Josh Steffler and Greg Hill from Freedom Free For All, interview author/researcher Elana Freeland about the subjects in her upcoming book; Under and Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown. They begin the […]