Turns out that Fonterra has been collecting milk in Taranaki from farms that are disposal sites for contaminated waste from oil and gas industry, including fracking chemicals. The waste is spread out and covered, then cows are grazed on it. This is incredibly stupid and irresponsible. Stupid because the whole brand […]


The image bespeaks of the current game plan .. we must remember that Mossad were here in Christchurch at the time of the Earthquake .. and this under suspicious circumstances .. i.e. Israel obviously had foreknowledge but the subsequent bungling as some Israeli,s died was appalling .. The incident where […]


A truck carrying drill cuttings from a hydraulic fracturing pad in the Marcellus Shale was rejected by a Pennsylvania landfill Friday after it set off a radiation alarm, according to published reports. The truck was emitting gamma radiation from radium 226 at almost ten times the level permitted at the […]

Saturday, April 20th, 2013 WE NEED YOU! Please share! Full location details attached, and to be updated along with the website in the lead up to the weekend with announcements and news. Website facebook.com/AustraliansAgainstChemtrails facebook.com/AustralianGeoengineeringProtest Official Fb event MELBOURNE – VICTORIA Meeting at Parliament House – Spring St CBD – […]

As spill estimates are being revised to near 300,000 gallons, we have been hearing very disturbing reports about Exxon’s continued focus on PR damage control rather than actual damage control. At every turn they are attempting to obfuscate the truth even if it means endangering the health of workers, residents […]

When: Wednesday 8 August – Saturday 11 August Who: Australian farmers Bob Mackley and Julie Newman, and Green Party MP Steffan Browning Where: Locations below New Zealand is at a crossroads. As an agricultural nation we are at the point of having to make a decision between growing genetically engineered […]
