Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt. More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infra-red images which show up underground buildings. Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the findings, including two suspected pyramids. The […]
The Swiss government on Wednesday recommended to parliament that the country’s five nuclear power plants should not be replaced as they age, leaving them to be phased out by 2034. Read the rest here
[ yeah sorry guys … … and we’re all really really especially sorry to all those select few 11 million something North Americans who were all secretly gagging for our Gisbourne-first apocalypse all day yesterday 🙁 -not- cool. ] Article
Article Streaming Video by Ustream.TV
Source: waterpressure.wordpress.com Was it ‘Murder at Pike River Mine’? Read this and you be the judge? Follows this article…) www.stuff.co.nz/national/pike-river-mine-disaster/4854892/Govt-says-no-to-Pike-River-legal-help Key said this afternoon he believed the receivers had sufficient cash to cover the company’s legal costs during the inquiry into the series of explosions which claimed 29 lives, and […]
Johann Hari on an environmental disaster in the making. When David Cameron gazed into the dewy eyes of a husky and promised to lead “the greenest government ever”, what did you think that would involve? Probably not an attempt to sell off all our trees to logging companies. Probably not […]
Shell Oil in County Mayo, Ireland. For over 9 years local people of Erris have had the ugly face of Shell Oil on their doorstep and have remained strong in their refusal to allow a raw gas pipeline to be laid through their lands. This short film from 2008 show […]
Ian R Crane on Deep Geopolitics & false flag events, including the smokescreen for seizing Libyan oil, the Bin Laden deception and depopulation in the Gulf of Mexico … [youtube]v1lw1N5gTwI[/youtube]