371 Swiss banks stand accused of collaborating with the Nazis during World War II. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cakKQmi–w This was suspected at the time by by U.S. Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, who began investigating this collaboration. He found the Swiss were not alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sm1wFfH7ro His archives reveal that both British and American […]
And of course, we have our “own” idiots pushing atomic power stations in these islands that sit atop the ring of fire and which are riven with fault lines.FYI/interest. Isabel https://www.counterpunch.org/grossman03112011.html CounterPunch. Weekend edition 11-13 March, 2011 First the Quake, Then the LiesDon’t Worry, It’s Just a Little Radiation By […]
Please do as you wish with this e-mail, but if you feel that this raises some legitimate questions in your mind please forward this to as many other people as possible. I also encourage you to cross check and research this information yourself rather than just accepting the information below as […]
We were warned in 1991!!! https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread668855/pg1
In this next series of video clips addressing the mass animal deaths happening globally we will begin by again considering the ongoing chemtrail spraying of our skies in this presentation by Rosalind Peterson recorded for Prison Planet TV | Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up | ThelnfoWarrior | Rosalind Peterson of […]
HELP ANYONE PLEASE !!! Mercenaries with yellow hats in the street Shamsa – Benghazi, Libya – On Thursday, February 17 at noon [youtube]WsUliy-UCu0[/youtube]
[youtube]SGmmdD4v-xs[/youtube] The White House is deploying a team of disaster-response and urban-search-and-rescue teams to New Zealand in response to the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that rocked the country Tuesday. They will be greeted there by FEMA Deputy Administrator Timothy W. Manning, who is already in the country assisting with response efforts and […]
[youtube]EyF2QLqz3-s[/youtube] Libyans are digging their heels in protests in key cities – despite the violent response from the police as they try to curb the anti-government demonstrations. World leaders are rounding on Libyan authorities – calling for an immediate end to the clashes. Increasing numbers of protesters are demanding for […]