[ … for your Oscar consideration. ] [youtube]QdYfxEF_lH4[/youtube] [youtube]O5YzXVJFQAE[/youtube] [youtube]VUW0iJy7NoY[/youtube]
The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you’ve been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Disclose.tv – […]
Paul J. Balles looks at the hazards of relying on the mainstream media, which are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small number of conglomerates and moguls, such as Rupert Murdoch, and suggests some websites and commentators in alternative media. For me, as a journalist, the web offers the […]
Do you think the simultaneous collapse of national economies all over the world is a coincidence or accident? If could be. Then again it could be controlled demolition for profit. Must viewing from Real Econ TV. Video: https://www.realecontv.com/page/903.html – Brasscheck
Unintended consequences… As you probably know, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent every year to put fluoride in US water supplies. Fluoride is an industrial by-product that cannot be disposed of economically. It’s simply too toxic. So what did corporate scientists-for-hire do? They invented science to tell us that […]
‘Superpower’ illustrates how the United States has leveraged its position to ensure unilateral world domination through absolute economic and military superiority and government. [ …or at least it illustrates how the United States has -tried- to ‘leverage its position to ensure unilateral world domination through absolute economic and military superiority […]
View the other five pieces of this eye-widening feature length documentary here Someone Else’s Country looks critically at the radical economic changes implemented by the 1984 Labour Government – where privatisation of state assets was part of a wider agenda that sought to remake New Zealand as a model free […]
Excellent work by SOTT Report – The Miami 7, the Fort Dix 6,the Newburgh 4, the Underwear Bomber, the Portland Car Bomber … [youtube]lgFBj-epzdo[/youtube] The FBI has set up then knocked down dozens of terrorist straw men in an effort to convince you that the ‘war on terror’ is real. […]
This animated clip was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert & recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award. [ This video clip is an astoundingly visual presentation of ideas that goes to the very heart of what might be […]
A series of CIA drone missile attacks Friday killed at least 54 people in Pakistan’s Khyber tribal region near the Afghanistan border. The attacks came just one day after Washington issued its formal review of US strategy one year after President Barack Obama ordered 30,000 more US troops into the […]