Congratulations to Roger Morris who has been featured in today’s Taranaki Daily News talking about his recent exhibition Mirrorscript which opened at Eltham’s PTO Gallery on March 30 and runs until April 29. “Morris says the exhibition is based […]
Recently I reported on a study which showed that states who approve of institutionalized torture, also known as “enhanced interrogation” must accept that they are going to torture innocent people for telling the truth. This was a disturbing revelation for some, although many of my readers clearly realized that […]
Ever wanted to get out of bed everyday and rob your fellow man ? Learn the different methods you can use … and learn who is using them on YOU right now. [youtube]2oHbwdNcHbc[/youtube]
A producer from the Arab satellite network Al Jazeera reveals the news channel fabricated stories on the unrest in Syria as he resigns in protest. Moussa Ahmed, a producer for Al Jazeera’s Beirut Bureau, is just one of the five Al-Jazeera employees that have resigned in the last couple of […]
As the protests in Bahrain face violent brutal crackdowns western politicians and media remains silent raising scrutiny over their denouncement of similar violence in other regions. While western politicians trumpet their facade of being promoters of democracy, defenders of freedom, and protectors of human rights [ making bloggers everywhere sick […]
. The April 2012 issue of Harper’s Magazine includes “The Warrior Class,” a feature by Charles Glass on the rise of private-security contractors since the 9/11 event. The conclusion to the piece describes a series of videos shown to Glass by a source who had worked for the private-security company […]
From The Revolution Trap. [youtube]C-jxuL49744[/youtube]
Their youtube channel is here ~ Click ‘Subscribe’ for regular decensored global news updates The government of Germany has ordered the removal of the London based Press TV’s international English channel from their airwaves in the latest wave of western governments moving to silence the viewpoints expressed by the channel. […]