The latest slaughter in Afghanistan is part of a decade of savage civilian killing. Until Nato leaves – it is certain to continue. The evidence surrounding the Panjwai massacre is so far contradictory. If it was the work of a single gunman, he was likely to have been unhinged or […]
Like a scene out of ‘Wag The Dog’ mainstream news channels have been caught carrying dubious footage from Syria to cook up drama to legitimize military intervention. [youtube]X-LYWHn6L4Y[/youtube] [ and we all know how well ‘military intervention’ works out ]
According to former European MP, journalist, and author Richard Cottrell, the Lord Resistance Army is backed by the CIA and Mossad. CIA is probably also involved in the million-dollar propaganda campaign to draw American people’s attention towards Uganda, and Joseph Kony in particular, in order to secure public opinion in […]
By Sunday evening in Gaza, a weekend of relentless Israeli bombing has left 18 people dead and dozens wounded. Israeli propaganda insists that the attacks are about preventing “terrorism” and stopping “rockets.” But in fact, Israel provoked this violence and according to some Israeli commentators its goals are to escalate […]
Even the best laid plans of mice and men turn sour sometimes. This is never more true than in the cointelro corporate mainstream media sphere. Dayem was caught conducting what appears to be staged media reports from Syria. [ oh, oops ] Although the seasoned spin doctor Cooper is able to coolly direct their conversation, Syrian […]
One expects academic events to be intellectually stimulating, but rarely is a gathering of scholars in Canada cause for investigation by high-ranking government officials. . In this case, the conference touched upon the new third rail of political and academic conversation in the country. Israel/Palestine : Mapping Models of Statehood […]
Human rights lawyers claim in High Court that civilians are ‘parties to murders’ Civilian staff at GCHQ risk being prosecuted for war crimes as a result of a legal action being launched tomorrow over the alleged use of British intelligence in the CIA‘s “targeted killing” programme. Human rights lawyers will issue proceedings […]
. [youtube]fjYSuxAVMDE[/youtube]
[youtube]oAK5xzEYq7I[/youtube] $15 TRILLION is equivalent to the the federal debt of the U.S. Treasury Department. Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of 5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation. […]