[ Mr News reports ] [youtube]XFu0ZT1ekto[/youtube]
While America occupies Iraq and Afghanistan, wages covert war on Pakistan, conducts drone attacks on Yemen and Somalia, bombards Libya, and positions for a wider confrontation with Iran and Syria, Nobel Peace Prize Laurette President Obama has now quietly, without much fanfare, sent 100 US troops to help Ugandan President […]
When the French returned to colonise Indo-China, they said that they would teach General Vo Nguyen Giap, a “peasant and amateur, a non-commissioned officer learning to handle regiments”, how to handle regiments. Eight years later the French arrogance was buried in Dien Bien Phu. Eleven years later when the US […]
Buildings are crumbling, heavily armed fighters stand on every street corner and snipers lurk on rooftops – welcome to Sirte. See the rest here
https://15october.net/ https://occupynz.org/ JOIN US ON 15/10/2011 AUCKLAND 15:00 Britomart NEW PLYMOUTH 12:00 Clocktower WELLINGTON 13:00 Civic Sq bridge CHRISTCHURCH 12:00 South Hagley Park DUNEDIN 10:00 Octagon INVERCARGILL 9:30 Wachner place www.occupytogether.org | www.occupywallst.org
Listed by Project Censored as the #1 censored news story of 2011, more soldiers have died at their own hands than in battle for two years in a row. It is extremely reflective of the pressure and stress that troops are under after ten years of ‘undeclared’ war. It is also reflective […]
[ … because they talk about many of the dirty little secrets that ABCMSNBCCBSBBCCNNFOX have kept hidden from you over the last decade ] [youtube]1xzlBmJcc9c[/youtube] Very relevant since UK is going to shut down PressTV on SKY. The Broadcasting Board of Governors is a bipartisan board comprised of nine members. […]
After being told that they would have to“temporarily” vacate Zuccotti Park for sanitation reasons by Mayor Bloomberg, Occupy Wall Street responded to what one member is calling “an eviction notice.” Occupy Wall Street’s official response involves a 6:00 a.m. “non-violent eviction defense.” Read the rest here Emergency Call In To Stop […]