Zelikow was chosen by Cheney-Bush to run the 9/11 Commission. According to Philip Shenon, Zelikow had written all of the chapter outlines of The 9/11 Commission Report before the Commission even began its investigation. Zelikow completely controlled the investigation, ordering underlings to basically just fill in the chapter outlines of […]
This week at the UN – if the U.S. push to disable the process does not succeed – a vote will be taken on Palestinian statehood. The U.S. has already stated that it will veto any vote that supports Palestinian statehood. So why take the vote if that is the […]
A great illustration on how corporations take control of countries, and how capitalism drives the expansion of the Military Industrial Complex. [youtube]fG8_5HWqan4[/youtube]
[youtube]8rfuvDr2wJQ[/youtube] More pictures here. You can help ! Donate for food ! Oreder Pizza for Protesters ! They are expecting crowds upward of 25000 by monday. be part of the solution, not part of the problem MAKE HISTORY – BE PART OF IT – GO THERE!!!!!!!!! Look around you and ask […]
Lawrence Davidson reflects on the ignorance of the US public regarding the causes of 9-11, against the background of the decline of the United States – a decline caused by the self-delusion of US elites, public ignorance and a general intolerance of critical or alternative views. [youtube]ElaL5yljlQ8[/youtube] The truth is that we simply […]
[youtube]NCY_vopQbRk[/youtube] The Toronto Hearings were held at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, during the 10th anniversary weekend of 9/11. September 11, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the events in New York and Washington that have played a dramatic role in modern history. These events have provided a pretext for […]
There is a worldwide drone arms race occurring that has been spurred by U.S. investment and supremacy in the field. The U.S. is now using drones in at least 6 countries abroad, as well as along both U.S. borders and over the interior of the United States. This is causing a wave […]
911 & Iraq. [youtube]_d33-Lk5Zbw[/youtube]