World War II air combat veteran & historian Howard Zinn … On the difference between the government and the nation. And how “government” has hijacked patriotism in the service of the highest corporate bidders. Video : – Brasscheck
Why am I going on the Freedom Flotilla II to Gaza? I ask myself this, even though the answer is: what else would I do? I am in my 67th year, having lived already a long and fruitful life, one with which I am content. It seems to me that […] On Wednesday, June 22, Israel held the largest war exercise in its history. The Real News’ Lia Tarachansky interviewed Rela Mazali, a founder of New Profile, an organization working to demilitarize Israeli society, and Alex Cohn, a war resister who served five months for objecting to serve in […]
. The revolutionary movement that began in Tunisia at the end of last year has now sparked mass movements in Europe. Principally, to date, in Greece and Spain. On the surface, these movements have little in common. In Tunisia and Egypt, the people came out in vast numbers to overthrow […]
In Britain as in America, the object of training professionals in everything from banking to the media is to produce a class of “managers” who instinctively muffle dissent — even if no one tells them to do so. . One of the most original and provocative books of the past […]
Military slaughter continues in Afghanistan. This is evidence of an entire village wiped out by US and its European coalition forces. [ … otherwise known as ‘bringing freedom’ or ‘liberating democracy’ or some such ]
[ Hollywood filmmaker Aaron Russo unpacks it for you some here : ] [youtube]mKcaX01_rSg[/youtube] [ & here’s the whole full fireside chat : ] [youtube]YGAaPjqdbgQ[/youtube]
Like Greece, our governments will have a choice. Either default on the debt or default on the people. Our puppet politicians have been defaulting on us for a long time. We need to use the concept of “odious debt” to ensure they stop now. The bankers’ credit scam cannot go […]
[… and the world continues to turn, and noone making Israeli policy has learnt a damn thing. So very, very uninspiring. ] Israel’s Jerusalem municipality approved the expansion of 2,000 homes in the settlement district of Ramat Shlomo in occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday, allowing each Israeli home to […]