[ Remember forgetting about this : ? ] The livelihood of millions of people throughout the World is at stake. . It is my sincere hope that the truth will prevail and that the understanding provided in this detailed study will serve the cause of World peace. […]
[ … goes pear shaped – as the foreign and domestic quest for dominance over the country’s oil reserves continues And the crippling consequences of its International Debt only compounds the problem ] [youtube]Ihlb__Gr9Gk[/youtube]
After being attacked by Israel and stranded in Egyptian territorial waters for 7 days, The Spirit of Rachel Corrie has lifted anchor and is sailing back towards Gaza [8.33am EDT, 14.33pm local time] in defiance of both the Egyptian and Israeli navy patrols. SPREAD THE WORD Read the rest here […]
More Gulf War Veterans have died than Vietnam Veterans. This probably is news to you. But the truth has been hidden by a technicality. So here is the truth. The casualties in the Vietnam War were pretty simple to understand. If a soldier was dead from his combat tour, he […]
Hopes for a peaceful settlement of Yemen’s political crisis receded further on Tuesday as street battles intensified between government security forces and opposition tribesmen, leaving at least two dozen people dead and turning part of the Yemeni capital, Sana, into a war zone. Read the rest here
In a frightening example of how the state is tightening its grip around the free Internet, it has emerged that You Tube [ … yes & who is ‘youtube’ and what is their business model again ? ] is complying with thousands of requests from governments to censor and […]
Jonathan Cook analyses the role of mainstream media in defending Western imperial elites and peddling their narratives, and assesses the impact of new media in breaking the elites’ stranglehold on information. ”This is an opportunity and one that we must nurture. We must demand of the corporate media more honesty; […]
[ Instead – it continues to expand – thereby continuously perpetuating the conflict ] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday that U.S. President Barack Obama’s vision of a Palestinian state on the borders of 1967 could leave the Jewish state “indefensible.” “The viability of a Palestinian state cannot come […]
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