Taken from a press release Early this morning armed Chilean troops opened fire with rubber bullets on Rapanui civilians. The police started shooting and tear gassing as the Rapanui people gathered in solidarity. Now there is blood on the streets. Leviante Araki, the President of the Rapanui Parliament was […]
From Peter Herbert’s emails : My third book, Predator Nation is financial and economic history and ties together the 1930s and 1940s with the present. The opening and concluding chapters are book ends that tie everything together and support my thesis – the strategic aspects of the financial sector’s war […]
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” – Mark Twain The story has become the stuff of legend. Years ago, an informal group of free-market oriented civil servants, politicians, economists, and “in the know” media types, gathered periodically for beery conversation at the Dublin pub of Doheny & Nesbitts. […]
Feature-length documentary about a platoon of American soldiers stationed in Korangal Valley in Afghanistan. The name “Restrepo”, comes from the medical platoon, all of which died during the war. This place is one of the most dangerous jobs in the army of the United Zjedynoczonych. The intention of the filmmakers, […]
The progression of human society relies upon the steady distribution of information. The quality of that information, its accuracy and its honesty, determines the overall health of the cultures we create. When a source of information becomes compromised by unhealthy political ambition, social dogma, or the strangling hands of elitism, […]
Today global wealth is more highly concentrated in the hands of the elite than it ever has been at any other point in modern history. Once upon a time, the vast majority of the people in the world knew how to grow their own food, raise their own animals and […]
Source: By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts 11-29-10 It doesn,t take a bureaucrat long to create an empire. John Pistole, the FBI agent who took over the Transportation Security Administration on July 1 told USA Today 16 days later that protecting trains and subways from terrorist attacks will be as […]
Recently, Director Oliver Stone Travelled ’round South America with a film crew and Had Video Camera Chats with all the major heads of state of all the States Of South America [ & as documentaries go this one cuts right through the bullshit that’s been crammed down your throat for […]
[youtube]3Ii1JhHCRNY[/youtube] [ The phrase ‘receiving end’ – leaps readily to mind here ] In other news from Afghanistan, a new public opinion poll of young Afghan men in Kandahar and Helmand provinces has been released by the International Council on Security and Development. The poll founded that 92 percent of […]