[youtube]bHCBeymArfw[/youtube] [youtube]y0Hm1vlfXpU[/youtube] [youtube]0v1k1AWx_NM[/youtube]
[ … for those of us wishing to enter a ‘post’ post 911 world ] We invite you to join us as we host 8 panel discussions over 2 days which will explore the important changes in our world since the attacks of 9/11 and the ever increasing need to […]
This interview by Agnès Rousseaux and Alexandro Rosinhawas was published by the French information web site BASTA! on January 27, 2009. It is based on Jean Ziegler’s latest book “Hatred of the West” (La Haine de l’Occident – Albin Michel, October, 2008) Jean Ziegler, one of the leading proponents in […]
Source: mossadassassins.posterous.com As previously reported, many of the suspects that murdered Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai earlier this year used MasterCards branded by US banking institution MetaBank of Storm Lake, Iowa and issued by US prepaid debit card company Payoneer Inc. The suspects used the credit cards to buy plane tickets […]
The label “conspiracy theory” is commonly used to try to discredit criticism of the powerful in government or business. [ .. or both ]
[youtube]AznmsfngQd0[/youtube] Watch the whole thing on pootube
[youtube]FpJdpoQJ1wA[/youtube] [youtube]QD0p1ynj4ZI[/youtube] [youtube]kVKGRB3cygg[/youtube] [youtube]wwq04_KhCeI[/youtube]
Four Israeli warplanes and one spy drone have illegally flown over Lebanon’s airspace in the third day of provocative violations of the country’s sovereignty. On Friday, the Israeli aircraft entered the southern border town of Naqoura, the Lebanese Army said in a statement. The statement added that the aircraft flew […]