[youtube]EOLhLfF3aYY[/youtube] [youtube]YVDdjLQkUV8[/youtube] [youtube]TsDEA77dgaU[/youtube]
Former Israeli Soldier Eden Abargil seems to have decency deficit problems. If nothing else she cannot see that there is in fact violence in her photos. The Palestinian men whom she is so gleefully guarding have obviously suffered violence simply by being bound and blindfolded for resisting illegal occupation. So, […]
The Israeli War Machine may not understand mortality, but cluster bombs and white phosphorous cost real money and even Uncle Sam can’t endlessly foot the bill. So what’s a humanitarian to do? Simple solution and it will work. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/918.html
Gilad Atzmon views the latest attempts by Israelis, Zionists and “anti-Zionist” pretenders to sabotage the free encyclopaedia Wikipedia.” Article here
It was another of those great TV moments. Embedded reports filming as the “last” brigade of American troops in Iraq cross the border into Kuwait bringing over seven years of unhappy conflict to its final, conclusive end. America was, at last, at peace. But like so many other great TV […]
Kenneth O’Keefe, who witnessed the Israeli assault on the Gaza-bound Turkish aid ship, the Mavi Marmara, highlights the prejudices, distortions and lies of the BBC, whose Panorama programme on 15 August propagated the Israeli line regarding the assault on the aid ship and the murder of nine peace activists, hook, […]
[youtube]NiHeCjZlkr8[/youtube] David Chandler (high school physics teacher): The official story is that the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed due to gravity. This has been critiqued in an analysis by Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti, and in a related analysis by David Chandler (both in the Journal of […]