The alternative media is working diligently to locate evidence that the New York Times willfully aided Israel’s cover-up of information about their flotilla attack. Prima facie evidence of the paper’s distortion and suppression of facts is so abundant we believe top management must have been involved. The Times’ complicity ranged from journalistic failure […]
Fascism Those who have studied history know that nothing invigorates and empowers an authoritarian regime more than a spectacular act of violence, some sudden and senseless loss of life that allows the autocrat to stand on the smoking rubble and identify himself as the hero. It is at moments like […]
The passionate support for Israel expressed on talkback sections of websites, internet chat forums, blogs, Twitters and Facebook may not be all that it seems. Israel’s foreign ministry is reported to be establishing a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 […]
Badness always manifests in destruction and corruption, while goodness always manifests in preservation and benefit. – Socrates in Plato’s Republic (ca. 374 B.C.) “Wanted” posters of Ehud Olmert and Ehud Barak in Jerusalem, April 2010. Olmert and Barak are accused of bribery and corruption in Israel and indictable for serious war crimes in Gaza. […]
[youtube]LgDBOuJn9G0[/youtube] [youtube]NWV4Nd89zAQ[/youtube] [youtube]4RXvuJcBnIE[/youtube] [youtube]Ps9bkYxQqSQ[/youtube] [youtube]Uo0ZdYCYrlo[/youtube] [youtube]XFBnEJxKzBg[/youtube] [youtube]N2H5Bj22W9k[/youtube] [youtube]Q5vNerQ0Jtw[/youtube] [youtube]1Xh0dXuBpW4[/youtube] [youtube]dm7LWWvhr6U[/youtube]
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said Israel’s raid on the Gaza aid flotilla has increased the chances of war in the Middle East. In an interview with the BBC’s Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen, he said Syria was working to prevent a regional war. But he added that there was […]
[youtube]CJ_X4UoiC4o[/youtube] .