If you pay taxes to the US, you’re paying to make this possible. WHY? Video: [ please post your own well-thought-out answers as to -why- you are paying for this in the comments section below … ]
Small explosive ejections focused on a corner column of WTC1 (The North Tower of the World Trade Center) are evidence of cutter charges used to cut the corner columns. One of these occurs at the 98th floor at the onset of the demolition of the building. The other occurs lower […]
You may know and you may not know and you may like me less afterwards when you do know but… one of my greater enjoyments is movies. Good movies. There are a number of ways to watch a movie, I won’t list them and if you think about it you […]
The issue, as framed by the U.S. ruling elite’s hometown house organ is very simple: A top insider in Japan’s new government has lost his marbles. The Washington Post’s apoplexy over the fact that Councilor Yukihisa Fujita isn’t buying the official version of what happened on September 11, 2001, is […]
Take a close look at the manner in which WTC 7 collapses straight down. For the building to collapse in this fashion, all of the load bearing supports would have had to fail at exactly the same time. The claim that the collapse was the result of a fire […]
Student Natalia Garcia protests last week on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley during a day of nationwide demonstrations against cuts in education funding. There are no constraints left to halt America’s slide into a totalitarian capitalism. Electoral politics are a sham. The media have been debased […]
According to the chief of Japans Democratic Party who says that the 9/11 hijackers are alive and that 9/11 was a complete hoax. Dr. David Ray Griffin is a professor and author who wrote The New Pearl Harbor Revisited and he says that he agrees. The World Trade Center was […]