The fighting is still underway in the town of Marjah, in what is being described as the first battle in Obama’s War in Afghanistan, or alternatively as the biggest battle of the US War in Afghanistan. But already, the US has lost that battle. It lost it from day one, […]
It’s fashionable to hold up the Internet as the road to democracy and liberty in countries like Iran, but it can also be a very effective tool for quashing freedom. Evgeny Morozov on the myth of the techno-utopia. An internet cafe in Tehran. A storm of protest hit Google last […]
No Comment From NATO Chief Christopher King expresses the hope that the fall of the Dutch government over participation in the US-led aggression in Afghanistan could be the start of a trend that will see Europe regain its independence from the USA. Hopefully the split in the Dutch parliament on […]
& Israel & The US Paul J. Balles considers the psychopathic phenomenon of the “superiority complex” as an explanation of dysfunctional behaviour among individuals and states, such as Israel and the US. When I was living in Kuwait, I found it disturbing that a number of Kuwaiti drivers behaved arrogantly. […]
The settlement of the landmark Wiwa v Shell lawsuit in June 2009 marked a small but significant step forward for the dozen plaintiffs involved. They charged Shell with complicity in human rights abuses, including crimes against humanity, summary execution, torture and arbitrary detention. The abuses occurred during military crackdowns in […]
ARTICLE 1 – “The tide in Britain turns against Israel. Now it’s time to rid government of Israel’s stooges.” LOCATION (URL) – SYNOPSIS – Gilad Atzmon argues that the odour of British complicity in the murder of a Hamas official in Dubai by Israeli Mossad agents using UK passports underlines the urgent need to purge the […]
Current massive media misrepresentations, profiteering on risky and valueless vaccines, gross neglect of data evidencing earlier similar man-made plagues including SARS, West Nile Virus, AIDS and more; continuance of genetic studies breeding more mutant flu viruses likely to outbreak, inside trading scandals involving pandemic savvy White House and drug industry […]
For video of soulless brainwashed murdering -fucks- go here : For mugshots of soulless brainwashed murdering -fucks- go here :
Some of you may not realize it, but this is satire. The truth about the tragic events of 9/11 are starting to surface. More and more people everyday are beginning to question the “official” version of the events that day, which we were force-fed by the media. 9/11 was a […]