Americans are literally living through a revolution and it’s only phase 1 of broader slide into tyranny. by Leo Hohmann | Sep 13, 2024 If you look at the country and the world today, it’s obvious what is happening, but if you look at just your immediate surroundings, it can be confusing. We […]
Nazism is often used as a smear by the political Left these days. But “National Socialism” is a can of worms with characteristics associated with political left and right wings in today’s world. Metatron takes a deep dive in a calm and non-partisan presentation. Enjoy. MH Metatron Metatron comments: Hi […]
Public will get bug for eating insects under Government-backed drive Emma Gatten – The Telegraph Aug 28, 2024 Researchers hope insect-based dishes, such as fried crickets, will one day bowl over consumers A research centre backed by the Government will work to get insects and other meat alternatives onto supermarket […]
Two-Tier Kier they are now calling their new PM in the UK. Does it sound familiar, Kiwis? Here’s a reminder. One admits it, the other in denial, both with the same agenda. Above: Image shared by Kier Starmer on social media of his meeting with Ardern in 2022. I’m sure […]
Remember the premise of the original Robocop movie from the 80s? Step 1: Refuse to arrest criminals. Step 2: Watch crime skyrocket. Step 3: Use skyrocketing crime as an excuse to implement draconian police state. I remember saying these Robocop movies were a warning about what’s coming. You can guess […]
When I was a student in the 70s, Orwell’s Animal farm and 1984 were compulsory reading as warnings about how society descends into totalitarianism. Now it seems that these works are being used as instruction manuals. Well done Oliver Jull! MH “In order to find out who your oppressor is, […]
Remember how they made us stay inside for an invisible threat? They tried to get us to keep track of every move we made, with that information being fed back to the government and tech companies and splattered all over mainstream news to shame us to stay home. From NZDSOS […]
In every age there is a set of beliefs that are elevated to a sacred status and questioning them is deemed heretical. For centuries it was the dogmas of Christianity that possessed this status, today it is the dogma of the democratic state. Democracy, as currently practiced, is the greatest […]
America is upside down. What just happened is unthinkable and mind-boggling. This represents a radical 180-degree turnaround. What is it? The ever-lying, completely corrupt news media stood up – to everyone’s amazement – against Deep State puppet and ultimate traitor Joe Biden, and unanimously promoted their worst enemy, Donald Trump, as the best candidate […]
Update(2124ET): WikiLeaks has released its first footage showing Julian Assange as a free man, emerging from Belmarsh prison looking triumphant and joyous, and soon after boarding a plane to his native Australia… BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, JUN 25, 2024 Below is the official statement from WikiLeaks: JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE […]